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Monday, September 21, 2015

Am I the only one feeling like the world I live in now is beyond ass backwards and tweeked out like some whacked Twighlight Zone episode?

Throughout my life I have been made to believe that it is a good thing to know about whatever you do for a living and the more you know the more you hustle and the better you do for the company the more your worth and wanted by employers..

It seems that pretty much any place I do any business with these days the less a person knows about anything pertaining to the job industry they are in the more they are wanted by employers. If the person could give a shit about whatever it is they do and be a useless rude jack hole to customers then even better.

I've been becoming more frustrated and fed up with all the brain dead jack asses for at least a decade or more while at the same time finding that I'm not desired as an employee so much even with insane experience and skills..
